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Ko je na mreži: 10 gostiju i nema prijavljenih članova

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Uspostavili smo zanimljivu tehnicku saradnju sa portalom! Od prvog kola prolecnog dela prvenstva svake nedelje bicete u prilici da pogledate simulaciju derbija kola...


FSO Shop uputstvo


 Shop guide in English [click here]

Sta dobijate kod nas?

Kod nas kupujete originalni "Activation code", to je koda sa kojom mozete da skinete i instalirate originalnu FIFA igru. Znaci potpuno je sve isto kao kad bi kupili zvanicnu igru u prodavnici, samo sto kod nas ne dobijate kutuju i DVD.

Kad narucite igru kod nas, dobijate "activation code" na vasoj email adresi.


Uputstvo kako da dobijete igru


Pratite sledece korake da bi skinuli originalnu FIFA igru, naravno prvo nabavite igru kod nas... 


1. Skinite Origin download client (kao za FIFA 13 Demo) odavde, pitace vas da napravite EA account, ako ga jos nemate napravite ga tu. Ako vec imate account onda se samo prijaveta tu.



2. Udjite u Origin client, i prijavite se.
3. Pritisnite na "settings" ikonu (u gornjem desnom uglu) i birajte "redeem product code".


Redeem product code


4. Unesite "activation code" koju smo vam poslali na e-mail adresu.


redeem product code


5. Sada ce te dobiti kratki opis igre, pritisnite "Next" i onda opet "Next", sada ce te dobiti zelenu poruku sa tekstom " your product is now redeemed".


redeem product code


redeem product code


5. Sada mozete da skinute vase originalnu FIFA igru, prvo pritisnite na "view in libary" ili "my games". Birajte FIFA igru i kliknite "ready to download" dugme.

Sada ce Origin automatski da skine i instalira igru na vasem kompjuteru.




FIFA Serbia Online

Apdejtovan Download Centar!


Nakon mnogo zahteva, uspeli smo da vratimo neke nase starije dodatke za FIFA serije!! Tako smo apdejtovali nas Download Centar sa dodacima za FIFA 2005/07/08/10...


FSO Shop guide


What do you get from us?

We provide you with the original FIFA activation code, with this code you can obtain the original game through EA Sports's official gaming platform, called Origin. So we provide you exactly the same game as sold in the stores, however without the DVD and the box.


Guide: how to obtain your original FIFA game


When you have bought our game, you can follow the following steps in order to obtain the game.

Follow these steps to redeem your key: -


1. Download the Origin client from above link and install it, it will ask you to create a EA account, if you dont already have one then create this account and verify the email address used. If you already have an account login once prompted



2. Once logged in and all profile etc created go to the settings icon in top right corner and select redeem product code.


Redeem product code


3. Make sure you have your key ready and copy paste it if a text based key or type it if an image based key into input square provided and hit next button.


redeem product code


4. You will receive a brief explanation of what product you are redeeming and the languages it comes with, press next again and a green message will appear advising your product is now redeemed


redeem product code


redeem product code


5. Now you can start downloading your games, firstly click View in Libary button as above then click the ready to download button to commence downloading, Origin will automatially install the game for you and you simply click on the game thumbnail to start the game.



Enjoy your game!!

FIFA Serbia Online


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Vaš profil


Filip's Avatar

Filip Lukić

Osnivac FSO, glavni admin, webdesign, FIFA 2003-13 allround patch maker.

Mitke92's Avatar


Glavni admin, FIFA 12-13 patch maker.

ZikaJeSrbin's Avatar


Kit Master/Face Editor(Rookie)/allround Graphics.

Devilish Soldier's Avatar

Devilish Soldier

Allround graphics, Photoshop Master.


Allround FIFA patch maker, Face Master, FIFA-Evolution admin.

shoneasr's Avatar


Allround graphics, Photoshop Master

cebabko's Avatar


Allround FIFA Manager patch maker.

ukicaaa's Avatar


FIFA Manager editor.